Scene & Game Windows Not Fullscreen

I have recently upgraded my development system with a new BIG gaming monitor that is running at 2560 x 1440 (landscape - center). I also have two side monitors running 1080x 1920 (portrait - right & left) and I have setup my layout so that the project window is on the left monitor and the Scene & Game windows are on the BIG center monitor.

The problem I’m experiencing is that the Scene & Game windows will not maximize to occupy the full screen of the BIG monitor. This was not a problem before when my center monitor was running at a lower resolution. Note also that this is only when running Unity3D while developing … running compiled games full screen on the BIG monitor at full 2560 x 1440 resolution works just fine.

Is there some setting I need to adjust -or- are Unity3D Development windows capped at a specific resolution resolution?

@DiGiaCom-Tech I know this is from ages ago, but I just upgraded and had the same problem, and there were no answers to any of these similar questions. So in case someone else has this problem, I have a simple fix:

I manually reduced my laptop’s resolution to 1366x768 in Display
, and then the maximising of
the windows in Unity worked? Anything
higher than that broke the windows
maximising again. The large screen
stayed at its maximum resolution, it
was just my laptop’s resolution I

Weird thing is, the screen who’s resolution I changed wasn’t the one I was maximising in, and that screen does support 1920x1080p. Weird bug. I’m sure this has been patched out - but if you’re stuck on 5.6.0f3 for a while like I am, hope this helps you out. This is a dumb fix, but it worked for me.