Scene lighting behaves different when switching from other scenes.

I have a scene B which is like the following screenshot. The screenshot was took when I directly played scene B.

However, when I played scene A and then changed to scene B, the lighting of scene B becomes dark. The road become nearly black since it has glossy reflection in its material and the sky (environment) become dark.

I guess it’s because some of the lighting of scene A remains even when scene A was destroyed and had some effect on scene B.

The two scenes use different light setting files, and Realtime Reflection Probes in Quality settings has been set to true. So I really don’t have any idea of what may be the exact reason.

Is there any lighting need to be reset manually when changing scenes during runtime?

Unity Version: 2021.3.18f1

Thanks in advance.

The problem gets fixed if I uncheck “Auto Generate” in Lighting window and click Generate Lighting manually.
Seems that Unity doesn’t auto generate lighting data during changing scene at runtime?

Good to hear that you’ve managed to solve this SkyManager issue yourself. Disabling Auto Generate is one of the workarounds, as you’ve discovered. For more info, take a look at the following chapter in the troubleshooting guide:

Thank you very much for the troubleshooting guide!
Environment lighting problems really bother me often.
I’ll check the guide to learn more knowledge and skills about that.