Scene Lighting like this


I’m new to Unity and so far im going great due to help from this awesome community.

Now my problem is i want to render/light my scenes like that! Using simple cubes ! I tried lightmaps but no avail, i really need help here so i can solve it.

I want to achieve it for mobile devices including iOS, Android and Windows Phone. If there is any plugin/tutorial please refer me to it.


Thanks a lot in advance

It looks like a directional light that is using lightmaps, with shadows, ambient occlusion and global illumination(only available in Unity Pro). Also, you will have to do some fiddling on your own with the many settings to get it to look exactly like that. The settings I would look at first would be: light color, shadow color, and ambient color.

The type of realistic graphics you’re looking for may be achieved through HDRI lighting. I highly recommend looking into this link: