Scene loaded from asset bundle is not animating

I have a very simple scene, a cube with a script that manages its rotation.

I generate a asset bundle from the entire scene, and when I load this scene, the cube appears in the screen, but the rotation does not work. The cube is static, like as the scene didn’t load properly.

This is the code that i use to load the scene:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class TouchButton : MonoBehaviour {

    public Button yourButton;

    void Start()
        Button btn = yourButton.GetComponent<Button>();

    void TaskOnClick()
        string url = "";
        WWW wwwObj = new WWW(url);

    IEnumerator WaitForReq(WWW wwwObj)
        yield return wwwObj;
        AssetBundle bundle = wwwObj.assetBundle;
        if (wwwObj.error == null) {         
            string[] scenePaths = bundle.GetAllScenePaths ();

            SceneManager.LoadScene("Scene", LoadSceneMode.Single);

Be sure that the script that manages the rotation of the cube is already in your project.
You can’t import new scripts through the Assetbundles to your project.