Scene preview ok - Game preview not ok


I’m very new to this materia.
My Unity version is 2018.3.0f2 Personal.
Operating system is Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit.

I’m currently following some tutorials and try to learn the basics.
In the Scene preview I can see textures (I have already created Animations and Colliders).
(It’s completely 2D)

When I change the Scene preview to the Game preview, I see nothing but a blue screen.
I also tried changing Display, Aspect and the Scale.

Probably I just made some little mistake, but I can’t find it out…
Thanks for any help!

P.S. If you need any additional information, just let me know.

Best regards

Is the scene camera pointed at your object? Are your objects rotated the correct way? (Geometry with basic shaders is invisible from the backside as a performance optimization). Are your camera’s culling layers set to include the ones that your objects have? Are the camera’s clearflags set to something like color perhaps?

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Hi and thanks for your answer.
Camera was the right key word!
I changed the camera’s Projection from “Perspectivic” to “Orthographic”.
Now it works.

