Scene Sample Discrepancy between Scene View and Game View / Build

Hey all, I’m working on a 2d application and am noticing a discrepancy between scene-sampling in editor view and game-view. My shader is a sprite shader made in Amplify and is very simple: if the scene-pixel is black, draw white. If the scene-pixel is white, draw red. The code itself probably looks like this:

color = lerp(float3(1,1,1), float3(1,0,0), scenepixel.b);

However, I’m seeing different behavior in scene-view and game-view, and scene-view is what I actually want here. It seems like in game-view, the shader can be sampling the scene-color after other sprites with the same material are drawn, meaning the overlap is red. In scene-view, the overlap area is white. Is there a way to make sure the game-view behaves as scene-view currently is? Ie; make sure the shader can’t sample “itself” (or other materials with the same shader) when doing this scene-sampling?



Bump, still having this issue, any idea what’s going on here?