I haven’t found any similar topic so I decided to create a new one. I really wanted to have something like scene templates for some time and when they were released I was super excited. Especially because our project is fairly complicated and modular, so SceneTemplates really can help.
I suspect that the team that is working on never tested it in a real-life scenario. Why? I’ll try to explain from my point of view which is - working on a project with 2 scene templates and a lot of assets, I mean… a lot
- Managing dependencies is really a pain in the ass. Without the ability to sort and search assets it is really tedious to scroll the enormous list and just checking on and off every single asset. I don’t think that our templates are really big, just a couple of prefabs assembled in a particular way.
- When the project grows… the scene templates also grow. But I totally don’t understand why. Maybe it is a bug or maybe it is a design of st. In my project, the scene templates changes by themselves. New assets, that are added to the project are being enabled in the dependencies automatically. They are not a part of the dependencies of any objects included in the scene of scene template or something. They just randomly pop up as dependencies to clone.
- I think that there is something wrong with the Terrain in the Scene Templates. When I try and include it to clone when creating a scene from scene template I think that terrain data isn’t properly referenced from the terrain component. Unity throws a warning because terrain data is different from terrain collider or something like this.
I really hope that someone from the scene templates team could join us and talk about it a bit more.