Scene Won't load

I recently purchased an interior scene asset and when I attach a change scene script to a gameobject from the exterior scene it will not load to the new interior scene. Here are all the steps I have completed.

  1. Tested the script- it works when I add all other scenes in my LoadLevel from the exterior scene gameobject.

  2. Tested the script within the new interior scene and it changed scenes to the exterior scene without issue.

  3. New interior scene is in the Build Settings and I ran the Build. Still doesn’t work.

  4. Trigger is on, FPS is tagged as Player and I can change scenes without any issues on EVERY other scene name but this one. I changed the name of the scene and it still does not work. It seems like the system is not recognizing the Load Level or the name of the scene.

There is no contact info for the developer of the asset in the asset store.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Thanks for your reply. I added the new scene to the Build Settings. I will check the errors…