A fundamental question that has been asked several times before but no satisfactory answer from Unity. So here goes …
Why is’nt there a SceneManagement.SceneManager.SaveScene() that corresponds to SceneManagement.SceneManager.LoadScene() ?
Watched almost all the YouTube videos on the topic and tried out almost all the assetstore pkgs on this topic. None of them seem comprehensive. Many of them address the problem partially (saving primitives, specific game-objects etc).
Seems to be a SaveScene() is fundamental to many projects. What am I missing ?. Puzzling.
You can save your scene in the editor with this:
If you are asking for some sort of built-in game save feature, then it would require a bit more work than just serialising the whole scene to disk. Things like running co-routines for example can’t be serialised, along with non-serialised MonoBehaviour fields, more complex types such as Dictionary etc.
Yes, I do save my scene in the Editor as u suggested. The original question was for “Runtime”.
I do accept that everything may not be “serializable”. But Unity as Platform understands these things much more than a average joe developer (like me). So, it seems to me (humble opinion) that the platform implements this cleanly.
Unity does not have a feature to create or modify scenes at runtime. Only in the editor.