Scenes weight 100mb , around 50% of the build

When I do a right click → properties on the folder containing all my scenes, the weight is supposed to be 20 mb.
After building, when I see the console log, It says that my scenes weight 100 mb!
Any clues on why is this happening?

Editor log:
Textures 71.5 mb 34.3%
Meshes 8.2 mb 3.9%
Animations 10.1 mb 4.8%
Sounds 9.6 kb 0.0%
Shaders 8.8 mb 4.2%
Other Assets 1.4 mb 0.7%
Levels 100.2 mb 48.1%
Scripts 1.6 mb 0.8%
Included DLLs 4.1 mb 1.9%
File headers 2.6 mb 1.2%
Complete size 208.4 mb 100.0%

What windows says


I think I found the answer in case someone is interested. The issue is with new unity 5 lightning system “Enlighten” Apparently it doesn’t show up but it then adds a lot of stuff to do the lights.
If you remove the lights at the scene the size will decrease a lot.

Have the same problem. Scenes before build weight 6mb, after building apk scenes weight 117 mb. Have you found a solution?