Sci-Fi Effects 2.02 BETA! New Modular Features and FREE Update

Sci-Fi Effects is a collection of 90+ weapon and effect prefabs counting 66 bonus sounds, new modular Turret Constructor, Tracking Controller and a redesigned Pool Manager.


Click to buy Sci-Fi Effects

Sci-Fi Effects goes BETA and will continue to improve including even more features over the next updates.

To kick things off, we’ve added several new elements into play, including new Modular Turret constructor, updated Turret Controller along with the revamped PoolManager and we’re excited to share the details on the major changes occurring this update.

Counting over 22 turret components enables thousands of combinations covering both Desktop and Mobile devices throughout several LOD groups and PBR/Mobile materials.

All the replaceable turret parts are supplied with unified textures with maximum texture resolution up to 4096x4096 for Desktop and 2048x2048 on Mobile.

At this point we’ve established Turret polycount according to:
• LOD0 - up to 5000 polygons per assembled turret
• LOD1 - up to 2500 polygons (is also used in mobile version)

To reduce the amount of time needed for turret parts swapping, we’re happy to introduce the modular approach we’ve been working to create, manage and keep turret templates, which are shared across the entire project in a ScriptableObject database.

One of the greatest thing about Turrets is the ability to sculpt any turret design no matter what type you’re trying to build. In the very same way, we also allowed the automatic parts assembly on a turret skeleton using the constructor utility component.

Perfect for any kind games the redesigned turret controller is now highly customizable including arcs of fire handles and several aiming algorithms.

The updated Pool Manager allows you to toggle between a group of pools and contains a lot of useful innovations such as load balancer, a scriptableObject database and separate settings for each pool.

• Modular turret parts counting 22 components
• Turret Editor and Turret Constructor
• Turret Controller
• PoolManager
• 12 ready to use weapon effects
• 8 Explosion effects
• 8 Missile models with additional LOD
• Missile prediction controller
• Trail and exhaust effects
• Warp Tunnel
• Warp jump
• Burnout effect
• Holographic effect
• Fading debris field
• Nebula clouds

Click to reveal more!

The package contains Linear and Gamma Color Space prefabs.


Discover extra details in our Blog or check out the Sci-Fi Effect Product Page

Head here for the Online Documentation Center

Please note, that as we progress through the beta, we may take additional changes to deliver the best experience and performance.

Sci-Fi Effects Change Log

[Version 2.02b]

  • Build errors have been fixed
  • Beam UV Animation has been fixed
  • Turret’s scene missing weapon sockets has been added to MLRS and Laser turrets
  • The package has been extended with additional Unity 5.3.6 support

[Version 2.01b]

  • Pool Manager database creation path is fixed. We have added the string path variable to the editor script pointing to the “Assets/FORGE3D/Resources/F3DPoolManagerCache” folder.

  • Pool Manager: Limit frame and Keep target FPS is now applied correctly

  • The FORGE3D menu in the Unity Editor includes several new links and categories

  • The Sci-Fi Effects video overview added to the product page

[Version 2.0b]

  • Added 22 modular turret parts for PC and Mobile

  • Added Turret Editor

  • Added Turret Constructor

  • Added Turret Tracking Controller

  • Pool Manager complete redesign

  • Fixed bugs, errors and warnings from legacy version

  • Multiple turret duplicates are now allowed reusing the legacy weapon controller

  • Warp tunnel fixes

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Please submit a case in the Bug Report thread and we will squash the bug away!

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We sincerely appreciate your time to give us comments and ideas. There are always things that we could do better. Please share them in the Feedback and Suggestions thread.

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For a non-urgent matter, please submit in the Technical Support thread. You can also use our Contact Form to communicate to us directly. We’ll give you a prompt a thorough response.

Available in the Untiy Asset Store:
Click to buy Sci-Fi Effects


Woaaaooooo!!!. :hushed::sunglasses:

This seems like it is a well done kit, the sound and ammo effects are high quality.

Are there any planned upgrades?

Looks very good.Good luck on your Asset store journey :slight_smile:

-It might be a bit early to ask but did you test your shaders with Unity 5 betas?
-Says “includes a custom time class”, what is it used for? If game drops down to slow-mo, do we have to make a special treatment for this class?
-What will be the final price and when do you think that’s gonna happen?
-Looks like particles also spawn lights. How does this influence performance?or do you make some magic for such effect in your shaders?
-Flamethrower looks very good with its partciles and heathaze shader. Do you think its possible to use it as a regular flame particle?. As a camp fire, or a burning car,crate…
-I’d like to know the same thing for the “lighting gun” as well. Is it possible to use this particle on a flat surface with random spawn and end points? As an object is electrified.

Hope you don’t mind answering lots of questions :slight_smile:

Looks promising, but I can’t test the web-based demo, since I am still on 4.5.5, not 4.6. Can you downgrade the web demo?

Cheers. It’s very important to collect first user experience and prepare next update based on customer’s feedback and of course there are will be new features included such as warp effect and space debris clouds. Feel free to suggest a new feature. It’s always a pleasure to hear from you guys.

Thank you very much good sir :slight_smile:

-It’s good you mentioned Unity 5 as I do have plans on making it fully compatible and some early test will be made to make sure everyone has a chance to enjoy the package when Unity 5 becomes public.
-Timer class is an efficient battle tested solution for triggering various timed events for the effects based on delegates, such as spawning with delay, despawning by the end of lifetime and so on. It’s extremely easy to use as it requires a single call to start a timer. The manual has a section describing this in a greater detail. And yes it plays well with slow-mo so no special treatment is required.
-I am sure the current price will last for a while since it’s very important to collect first user experience and prepare next update based on customer’s feedback. The price will be increased incrementally with each new update. I cannot give you exact date when the update will be released but I can assure you it will last for the next two weeks.
-Point lights are attached to muzzle flashes and flamethrower prefabs mainly and this may be a major bottleneck in terms of good performance if not used wisely. So feel free to remove the point light as you like or specify a hard limit using Unity’s Quality Settings.
-Absolutely, you can easily modify both heat and flame particle systems to produce the desired result by shaping it’s life time, speed and emitter base.
-Lightning gun is made of two line renderers controlled with scripts. The end point is calculated with help of raycasting. It will require some modifications but I think it’s possible by altering both positions based on some specific offsets provided. But there might be a better way of doing an electrified effect by simply using a particle system with animated sprites. I think I might create one in the next update.

Thank you for your questions and I hope you enjoy using Sci-Fi Effects!

Cheers. Unfortunately it is not possible to downgrade the web demo. I suggest you uninstalling your current Unity player. There is a page describing this procedure in great details:
Then you can use native web player demo page generated by Unity to upgrade to the required version or download latest version by following this link

A suggestion: add a “sonic visual bang” on some effects. The sniper for example.

wow … these look great. Insta-buy for me.

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Nice one. I can think of several ways creating this effect. Will add it to my checklist

Cheers. Hope you enjoy using Sci-Fi Effects. Feel free to drop me a line if you ever need a hand or have a feature suggestion.

Currently accepting new ideas and feature suggestions. If you have something cool on your mind that could be a part of Sci-Fi Effects make sure to share your idea… and who knows, maybe we will see it in the upcoming update!

Well … I have a small suggestion. While I know it’s just a demo object, it would be nice if the auto-turret model had a touch more animation, like a charging light before an energy blast and a recoil mechanism when firing kinetics. It would make the auto-turret a bit more like an extra value item in the set, and I think it would help sell the weapon effects.

That would be a great addition but I wouldn’t just stop on one turret :wink: Can you suggest turret types and configurations you like to see?

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I picked this up as soon as it hit the store. So far it looks great! And the early pricing is a no-brainer.

One super minor thing is when importing I got a dialog box about Solo Gun/Textures/solo_gun_flames_02.tga being used by a material as a normal map, but not marked as a normal map. I went ahead and hit Fix now.

I love how you’ve blended the image sequences with the 3D particles on the explosions. They look great. A lot of the effects will drop right into my space game (would have to change the gravity to zero on the explosions is all). I attempted similar explosions, hits, muzzle flashes, pulse weapons, and beam weapons, and while some are OK, I can easily see swapping out many of my weak effects with the stuff in this asset.

You already mentioned some warp effects, which I’d be interested in for sure. I have a decent enough external effect when other ships warp in, but my first-person effect for “going into hyperspace” is pretty weak.

The space debris clouds could be interesting too.

My suggestion would be some sci-fi thruster particle effects and maybe even some looping sound effects to go with them. I’m currently using one I adapted from the afterburner effect that’s in the Unity sample assets project. It’s actually pretty cool, but a tad boring.

Thanks for the review and its a pleasure to know you enjoying the asset. A dialog box regarding using texture as a normal map is probably caused by different materials (heat and additive) sharing the same map. You should ignore the warning and make sure you reset solo_gun_flames_02.tga to texture instead of normal map. I will make sure this issue will be fixed with the next update.

It’s good you mentioned first person warps. It could be a possible addition to Sci-Fi Effects as well as thrusters and debris.

Pretty awesome dude!

Good idea. Lack this kind of effect on the Store. :sunglasses:

Thanks man! I’m glad you like it. Hope to get more people to this thread as soon as the Sci-Fi Effects description updates on the Asset Store.