Sci-Fi Props Collection 1

This package includes a collection of sci-fi props like art, crates, barrels, power supply, pipes, power pack, trash can and tables.

These high quality sci-fi props are perfect for desktops, consoles and high end mobile devices. A few props are included in different colors and a few props are modular.


  • Different sci-fi props ready to use with Builtin RP, URP and HDRP.
  • Prefabs for individual parts for Builtin RP, URP and HDRP.
  • 4K, 2K and 1K textures.
  • Materials for Builtin RP, URP and HDRP.
  • Demo scene for Builtin RP, URP and HDRP.
  • 3D Models.
  • Scripts
  • Animation
  • Continuous updates. This includes optimizations and new props in regular intervals.

Hello everyone.

Update 1.5.0 is live in the Unity Asset Store.

This update includes a new prop Couch_Seat_01. Have fun with it.

Please write a review. I would like that.

Hello everyone, here is the next item included in update 1.6.0.

Update 1.6.0 is uploaded to the Unity Asset Store for review.:slight_smile:

Hello everyone,

update 1.6.0 is live in the Unity Asset Store.
The update contains a new item, Couch_01.

Please write a review. I would appreciate that.