Sci-Fi Ship Controller - A versatile physics-based controller with playable demos, AI

shut up and take my money

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ANNOUNCEMENT Unity have migrated some Unity Forum posts to the Discussions forum. Some links remain to work while others are broken or have been deleted.

Unfortunately, this is beyond our control and some content will have been lost forever. We will also endeavour to update links within the Sci-Fi Ship Controller editors.

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Sci-Fi Ship Controller version 1.4.6 has now been released to the Asset Store.

It includes the following updates since 1.4.5:

[NEW] ShipDisplayModule - support for world space canvas
[FIXED] Get Support button to Unity Discussions
[IMPROVED] ShipDisplayModule - get heading sprites from code
[IMPROVED] SSCDoorProximity - delayed collider exit refined

It has been reported that radar targets (blips) don’t appear on the ShipDisplayModule (aka HUD), in VR when using the newly added support for world space canvas.

This is because the VR camera (or any other first-person camera) is in a different plane to the world space canvas. We are investigating potential solutions.

Here is a short video on how we set up flying a spaceship with an in-game joystick and throttle control using SSC and Sticky3D Controller.

We’re currently working on updating the use of DOTS with Projectiles (along with the Asteroids demo) for Unity 2022.3 LTS and Unity 6000.0. The aim is to support Entities 1.2.3.

We still have a few breaking changes by Unity to fix but it’s getting there.

We put this little vid together to show some tech coming together from our assets to create one possible landing sequence.

Don’t forget to set Quality on youtube to HD.

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Our latest trailer.

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SSC 1.4.7 is now available in the Asset Store. It includes the following updates since 1.4.6:

[NEW] ShipDisplayModule - show altitude or air speed unit text
[NEW] ShipDisplayModule - option to show air speed as knots
[NEW] ShipDisplayModule - BlankDisplay() and UnblankDisplay()
[NEW] Limit Pitch/Roll - option to turn off Auto Centre Pitch
[NEW] PlayerInputModule - DisableAIDocking() API
[NEW] Projectile models and prefabs with improved performance
[FIXED] ShipAIInputModule - arcade left braking incorrectly assigned to right
[FIXED] ShipDisplayModule - ShowHUD() overrides ShowHUDInstantly()
[FIXED] GetGroup1Material() on ControlPanel in techdemo3scene1 is not initialised
[IMPROVED] SampleInputOverride - speed limiter mode option
[IMPROVED] Thruster heat will be reset on respawn
[IMPROVED] Sound clip peak limits
[IMPROVED] Limit Pitch/Roll - damp pitch speed when approaching max pitch
[IMPROVED] Updated Asteroid demo for U2022.3, Unity 6 DOTS Entities 1.2.3
[IMPROVED] Updated Projectiles for U2022.3, Unity 6 DOTS Entities 1.2.3

I’m new and I would like to know if I can add, for example, the model of an airplane I made in Blender to be able to fly it in VR. If it’s possible, how can I check that configuration since I didn’t see anything like that in the manual.

In the chapter on Player Input Module, under “Virtual Reality (VR) Input” it deals with sending VR input to your “ship” (or in your case your aircraft model). You will probably want to use the Unity XR input method as this is what most (??) people are using these days with Unity.

The player input module sends the VR input data to the ShipControlModule (on the same gameobject) which flies your aircraft.

There is an optional expansion to this scenario using Sticky3D Controller (another one of our assets) that lets you use in-game joysticks and levers to send input to the “ship”. But you don’t need that if you just want to fly the “ship” using just Unity XR input.

Apart from that, the other settings in ShipControlModule work pretty much the same in VR or in non-VR.

There is also a video for VR Setup using the in-game joystick method mentioned above on our youtube channel..

if you are pretty new to SSC or even Unity, follow the “Sci-Fi Ship Controller Basics Tutorial” on youtube and get your aircraft flying without using VR. Once you have that working (we’d recommend using Arcade model), then move on to VR. That way, you’ll understand basic setup in SSC before attempting VR.

I watched the videos and followed the one about VR setup without the Sticky3D Controller since I don’t have it. But it seems like the ship doesn’t take off, it just glides, but it doesn’t lift either. The only thing I can do is turn to dodge buildings and shoot. If anyone can help me configure it or if they have a VR setup, it would be very helpful. I am using Unity 2022.3.44f1. Use the SSCInterceptor (Arcade) VR ship.

On Player Input Module, what do you have longitudinal input set to? Also, in debug mode at runtime, on the same module, what inputs values are you seeing?

If Longitudinal is zero, you won’t be going anywhere.


We’re adding a new feature to the ShipDisplayModule (aka HUD) which can be used to transition into and out of a cinematic (letterbox / widescreen) effect. This is similar to what you may have seen in the recently released Star Wars Outlaws game.


There are buttons to test it in the editor at runtime. There is also an API to control it from your game code at runtime.

It is available in the latest SSC beta. You’ll need the latest version of SSC from the asset store (1.4.7) before applying the patch.

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I was able to resolve it. The keyword ‘longitudinal’ was missing; I needed to add that configuration. My bad. Thank you very much

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Here is a little video about cut scene action blending like in Star Wars Outlaws. You could do something similar in your games using our assets.

It uses the cinematic settings mentioned above.

Don’t forget to set Quality on youtube to HD.

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Coming to Sci-Fi Ship Controller v1.48


Within Limit Pitch/Roll are two new options.

Pitch Damping
Controls how much damping is used in pitch control to prevent overshoot of the target pitch to match. Increase this value if the ship oscillates (moves back and forth) near the target pitch angle.

Roll Damping
Controls how much damping is used in roll control to prevent overshoot of the target roll to match. Increase this value if the ship oscillates (moves back and forth) near the target roll angle.

These are available in v1.4.8 Beta 2b or newer.