Sci-Fi Ship Controller - A versatile physics-based controller with playable demos, AI

Mars Experience Update

After all the great tech we’ve added to Sci-Fi Ship Controller and Sticky3D Controller for our Mars Expansion Pack (in development), we through we’d add more.

The Orbit Camera feature, which works with our Ship Camera Module, is now available. You need the recently released SSC v1.5.0 or newer.

It is in Tech Preview but should be game-ready. We’ll probably do some more tweaks, but it is good to go.

In the above video we have a work-in-progress landing sequence where we let Byrce, our NPC pilot land while the player uses the orbit camera.

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Coming in Sci-Fi Ship Controller 1.5.1

Thanks to one of our faithful Patreon backers for making this suggestion.

Support for Stars in HDRP

You can create background stars in BiRP and URP with the Celestials component that comes with Sci-Fi Ship Controller.

In SSC v1.5.1 we’re adding the ability to do something similar in HDRP .

This is a shader-based solution. Due to some HDRP limitations, it requires U2022.3 and HDRP 14.x or newer. It is currently in Technical Preview and is available in SSC 1.5.1 Beta 2c or newer.

Sci-Fi Ship Controller version 1.5.1 is now available in the UAS. It includes the following updates since v1.5.0:

[NEW] ShipCameraModule - onOrbitEnable and onOrbitDisable events
[NEW] ShipCameraChanger - Cam Setting on First
[NEW] Beam Module - damage curve to apply over distance
[NEW] Celestials for HDRP (12.x or newer) - in Technical Preview
[NEW] ShipDisplayModule - Hide Cursor on Init
[NEW] ShipDisplayModule - ShowDisplayMessageByIndex methods
[NEW] ShipWarpModule - ship boost direction and duration
[FIXED] ShipCameraModule - debug output when orbit camera enabled
[FIXED] ShipControlModule - TelePort APIs may increase velocity over time
[FIXED] ShipAIInputModule- TelePort API may increase velocity over time
[FIXED] ShipWarpModule - ship location may be incorrect in U2022.3+ builds

Sci-Fi Ship Controller version 1.5.2 is now available in the UAS. It includes the following updates since v1.5.1:

[NEW] ShipCameraChanger - Always Snap to Target option
[NEW] ShipCameraSettings - Snap to Target option
[NEW] ShipDisplayModule - Air Speed Offset
[FIXED] ShipDisplayModule - NullReferenceException if SetCamera when not initialised
[IMPROVED] ShipDisplayModule - error messages on initialise
[IMPROVED] ShipWarpModule - can set randomised FX volume range

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SSC Expansion Pack 1 version 1.0.2 is now in the UAS. This is what you’d use if you want physically based missiles for Sci-Fi Ship Controller.