I have packages for work hosted on gitlab.
I have been using them for years, and everything works fine on Unity 2022 and earlier (I haven’t used 2023).
However, adding the scoped registry and packages into a Unity 6 Preview project, I get the below errors.
Project has invalid dependencies:
com.company.package1: Request [GET https://gitlab.com/api/v4/url/packages/npm/com.company.package1] failed because it lacks valid authentication credentials
com.company.package2: Request [GET https://gitlab.com/api/v4/url/packages/npm/com.company.package2] failed because it lacks valid authentication credentials
com.company.package3: Request [GET https://gitlab.com/api/v4/url/packages/npm/com.company.package3] failed because it lacks valid authentication credentials
com.company.package4: Request [GET https://gitlab.com/api/v4/url/packages/npm/com.company.package4] failed because it lacks valid authentication credentials
com.company.package5: Request [GET https://gitlab.com/api/v4/url/packages/npm/com.company.package5] failed because it lacks valid authentication credentials
(package names and URL’s edited to hide personal info)
Has something changed with Unity 6 that requires some new/ different setting/ setup for scoped registries?
I can have a project open in 2022 with working packages, and another in Unity 6 Preview at the same time… and those same packages error.