score conter

i wrote a script for counting the score and saved as score but i am not sure where i have to place and how to display that score. I whole programe I have three object. 1. Player, 2. Enemy, 3. Bullet. Please help me. Please below the code for counting and tell its correct or not.

static var score:int=0;

function OnTriggerEnter(otherObject:Collider)
score ++;



Use GUIText to display the score in your game view.

the static var score goes in the player script, I will call it Player.js. The score belongs to him.

The second part I would attach it to the enemy and modify a little. I know it is logical but it makes thing easier to me

    var health = 100; // healt of your enemy
    function OnTriggerEnter(otherObject:Collider) { 
        if(otherObject.gameObject.tag==("bullet")) { 
             Player.score +=1;   // decrease score
             Destroy(other.gameObject);   // destroy otherObject, the bullet
             health -= 10;          // decrease health
             if (health<=0)        // check health
                   Destroy(gameObject);   // kill enemy

If you wanted to attach it to the bullet, it is possible BUT you would have to GetComponent() the script of the enemy to access the health. Do not make the health of the enemy static!!! Look on the forum about static.

Add a GuiText object to your scene GameObject->CreateOther->GuiText

Place it and attach a new script to it with

function Update(){
   guiText.text = "Score: "+Player.score;

You can also use OnGui but I find GuiText more flexible and easier to use.

hi pariveshp,

its very simple. you can display score using OnGUI method. you have to use this method for display anything on User Interface.

function OnGUI()
 GUI.Label(Rect(Screen.width/4,Screen.height/16,Screen.width/2,Screen.height/2),"Score : "+score);