Score Display?

I figured out how to count score on my game, but how do I display it using Javascript? I want it displayed in the upper left corner of the screen, also I need help with the counting a bit two. I used the tags thing, but it counts score whenever it collides with any thing, I’m assuming that its a new script change I haven’t heard of, but help on that would be great, but if you can only solve the first part its ok, thats what I was looking for anyway. Here’s my script (I hope I posted it right)

#pragma strict

static var score1 : int;

var Score = 0;
var bounceValue = 1;

function Update () {
	Score = score1;

function OnTriggerEnter () {
	if (gameObject.tag == "Ball");
	score1 += bounceValue;

What do I add to my script?

As for the score display: For a quick-and-easy solution you can use OnGUI():

function OnGUI()
  GUI.Label( Rect(25, 25, 100, 30), "Score: " + score1 );

For fancier stuff you the new UI system which takes more time and effort to setup and use:

Regarding the collider: You’re checking the tag of the gameobject itself which is of course always the same. But you need to check the tag of the object you collided with:

function OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider) 
   if (other.tag == "Ball");
     score1 += bounceValue;