Score Question Java Script, problem

Hello, I will a new scene, if my player’ score is 50, then come a new level. I have a First Person Controller, and it has a script:

var score = 0;

function OnTriggerEnter( other : Collider ) {

    if (other.tag == "Coin") {

        score += 10;




if(score >= 50) {

    Application.LoadLevel ("B");


If First Person Controller collide with a coin then it’s destroy, so it’s workink, but if I ,collected" them all, it’s nothing happen, the new scene no come. Please Help, what’s wrong?

Just put it all together:

function OnTriggerEnter( other : Collider ) {
    if (other.tag == "Coin") {
        score += 10;

        if(score >= 50) {
          Application.LoadLevel ("B");