Score sprites not reseting to zero after scene reloads.

Im using number sprites to display the ingame score but when the player scores above 10 or a hundred
the sprite stays stuck at the previous score value only the unit value sprite resets back to 0 even though the actual score resets the sprites do not reset.

public class ScoreManagerScript : MonoBehaviour
    public static int Score { get; set; }

    void Awake()
           (Tens.gameObject as GameObject).SetActive(false);
        (Hundreds.gameObject as GameObject).SetActive(false);

    void Update()

        if (previousScore != Score) 
            if (Score < 10)
                Units.sprite = numberSprites[Score];
            else if (Score >= 10 && Score < 100)
                (Tens.gameObject as GameObject).SetActive(true);
                Tens.sprite = numberSprites[Score / 10];
                Units.sprite = numberSprites[Score % 10];
            else if (Score >= 100)
                (Hundreds.gameObject as GameObject).SetActive(true);
                Hundreds.sprite = numberSprites[Score / 100];
                int rest = Score % 100;
                Tens.sprite = numberSprites[rest / 10];
                Units.sprite = numberSprites[rest % 10];


    int previousScore = -1;
    public Sprite[] numberSprites;
    public SpriteRenderer Units, Tens, Hundreds;

Nvm answered my own question had to move set gameobjects to false in void update.