Hey guys this is a 2 part so please bear with me. I’m currently creating a game that has multiple levels and as the levels go up, I want the difficulty to increase. I also wanted to maintain the score as the scene changes. So my questions are as follows
- How can I increase the variable of a falling object to make the level more difficult as it goes up?
- How do I keep the user’s score between levels so that in the next scene, the score doesn’t reset?
For example, what I currently have in terms of falling objects is the following:
function Start () {
//When your object first gets created
for (var i:int=1; i <= 1; i++) {
InvokeRepeating("SpawnZ", 0, 0.7);
I want the variable that increases the rate of them falling to increase so they will fall faster and make the Z’s harder to catch. I anticipate and appreciate any help that you guys can give me!
Thanks in advance,