Screen FullScreenWindow API: How do I get the monitor Screen.currentResolution display width height?

How do I get the monitor Screen.currentResolution.width height?

Looks difficult to get .width height. Do I need to split strip the GetString?

I need to feed

Screen.SetResolution(monitorWidth, monitorHeight, FullScreenMode.FullScreenWindow);


  • Screen.fullScreenMode = FullScreenMode.FullScreenWindow;

Actual: Scales up to full-screen window with no borders but maintaining low previous screen window resolution. No info how to get Screen.currentResolution.
Expected: that FullScreenMode.FullScreenWindow scales up to full-screen monitor resolution.

Windows Standalone

Side Note: Is simple to get Screen.width (that is the window pixel size) but the actual display monitor resolution is needed instead. Unity API framework for windows looks incomplete? Screen.currentResolution.width / height is missing?
FEEDBACK Unity framework API
A task that in 2020 must be simple t is not.
Because the Unity framework API for Windows is not working as expected: the word Screen by itself is ambiguous.
I need to change the resolution to the windows full-screen monitor actual resolution and is not simple. Is missing currentResolution.width / height. And It should be currentMonitorResolution and not Screen.currentResolution becuse is confusing with Screen.width (the window).
I can’t get the get Screen.currentResolution of the monitor width height in an easy way.
It is simple to get the window width height but not the monitor.
How do I get the Screen.currentResolution monitor width height? (int monitorWidth)
Then need to feed with this monitor resolution the Screen.SetResolution() and specify FullScreenMode.FullScreenWindow or .MaximizedWindow properly.
What I need is to pass from a small Window to Fullscreen Window (Borderless).
I presume is
Screen.SetResolution(monitorWidth, monitorHeight, FullScreenMode.ExclusiveFullScreen);
Also, ExclusiveFullScreen retains the Screen.width / height (the window size) instead of the monitor height instead when upscaling. And so I can’t use FUllScreen in my game. I need a Full-screen window.
Do I need to use the System Windows Screen framework?
How do I get

Are you perhaps looking for a different API, such as this one?

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Yes, I was. Thx @Kurt-Dekker !

I was able to make it using different API section.

Resolution Unity - Scripting API: Resolution

MaximizedWindow for Windows

public void Mode_FullScreen_MaximizedWindow()
    Resolution currentMonitorResolution;

    currentMonitorResolution= Screen.currentResolution;

    int width = currentMonitorResolution.width;
    int height = currentMonitorResolution.height;

    Screen.SetResolution(width, height, FullScreenMode.MaximizedWindow);
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