Screen gets shrink when playing on device

Hello. I have a problem with the development of my first game for iOS. After trying to find a solution without success, I come to the forum to see if someone has had my same problem or someone has any suggestion in order to fix my problem:
The thing is, I created a game which works and renders perfectly and responsible for any screen resolution. I can play in the editor, in computer, and in Android without any problem, even in the editor with the iPhone resolution it looks good. The problem is, when I build the project and uploaded it to the Apple’s App Store, I then use testflight to test my build, and it looks deformed. Not only the GUI is shrunk and bad positioned, but also every game object is shrunk, so it seems as if the final output was shrunk in some way. I checked the project settings and player settings but don’t seem to find where this shrinking comes from. I attach a picture of the game in the editor vs how it looks on the Iphone with same resolution.

Thanks for helping.


Are you using Screen.SetResolution anywhere?

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Oh my god yes I did that to check a thing and forgot to delete the line…
I feel super dumb now, but at least I solved the problem. I guess Screen.SetResolution does not work on the editor and only on builds.

Thank you very much, kaarloew. Topic can be closed now.