So, what I am doing is, I have several GameObjects lined up on the screen and with my cursor I am moving above that (It is in 2D mode, but they all have slightly different z-levels. That is normal of course for render order here). The camera has a sript attached that sets the position of it on every Upadate() to that one of the target (the cursor). The cursor is moving with Vector3.MoveTowards to make a smooth movement from grid to grid.
So now, why could it be tearing the screen so badly here? That does not even seem like a VSync error, it is just… weird. I do not think that it is a hardware fault, since that does not happen in any other software I use. Maybe it is something about the settings I missed?
I have a attached a very small (in file–size) video here so you can see what I mean: - [now defunct] Free File Hosting
This is only happening in the standalone build, not in the editor, and only in fullscreen.