Sorry, I’m not really sure of how to better phrase the title.
Basically, I’ve been working on a music game. It’s similar in presentation and style to the classic Konami games like Beatmania, or the Korean music game series DJ MAX Portable. Notes comes from the top of the screen and scroll to the bottom, having to hit in time with the music. The notes spawn off-screen at N milliseconds before they should be hit in the song. What I want is to ensure is the following:
- The notes spawn-off screen regardless of the resolution.
- The notes move at the same speed regardless of the resolution.
However I’m not sure how I can go about ensuring this with my current setup, which is the following:
- 2D Game (as in using Game Objects with Sprite Renderers attached)
- 1 World Unit = 1 Pixel
- Orthographic Camera
- Orthographic Camera Size = Screen.height/2
- Camera Position = Vector 3 (0, Orthographic Camera Size, -5).
- Notes spawn at Y = 2000 currently.
Basically, how would I ensure the two things I want to ensure / is it even possible? If it’s not possible what is the best way to mitigate the discrepancies between different resolutions considering this game is meant to be heavily based around who has the highest score on a leaderboard?