Screen Resolution

I am trying to code for different screen resolution, so i used the following code,

	resolutions = Screen.resolutions;
	for (var res in resolutions) {
	    print(res.width + "x" + res.height);
	print("resolution.length :"+resolutions.Length);
	reslength = resolutions.Length;
	if (reslength > 0)
	Screen.SetResolution (resolutions[reslength -1].width, resolutions[reslength -1].height, true);
	Screen.SetResolution (480, 800, true);
	Screen.fullScreen = !Screen.fullScreen

However, i get on the device when debugging with logcat, that reslength : 0
Any idea why the device is giving 0 length for it’s supported resolutions ???

By and large, I believe most mobile devices only support 1 resolution…their native resolution. You can access those through Screen.width and Screen.height

I think Screen.resolutions is intended more for desktop usage.