So im making a card game and I have to use screen space camera or overlay, just something to give the board a tilt back look. anyway, when I click and drag a card (made with unity UI) the card looks bigger than it needs to be and the card isnt on the mouse its somewhere else in the scene but it still knows its getting dragged please send help!!!
edit: when you look at it on scene its fits in the cell you want it to, but on game its off
This can be cause when a parent of a child is change in size and the children are set to expand with the parent by means of it’s Pivot Points If you don’t want it to scale to the parent have the local Anchor centered, otherwise adjust the Anchors to where it works for your purposes.
did more digging found this link to be more than helpful
so what object are you scaling size with when doing these two different images? to me it appears the 1 set of images remain the same the background is scaling bigger and smaller. I’d try to place all the objects on the background and try and scale again. the background should be on a canvas