Screenshots in showcase..

Is ti just me or is most of you guys put off by the posts that just have link to a zip or unity package or web player that takes 5 minutes to load and no screenshots?
When i see a post that says “try my new game!!!” and then there is a link to a web player, i never click it cause in my experience i will wait for few minutes and then the there is a game that i dont really like and ill close it in 20 seconds… so, most of the times when there is no screenshots that tell me what i can expect i dont even bother to look…

Probably its just me, but i think that screenshots should be made mandatory in a way :slight_smile:
That way you tell other people what they can expect if they download zip file or unity package or tell them “its worth to wait 45secons for it to load…”

Screen shots are definitely important. I usually don’t dl anything without those or a video. Although what really bugs me is when people just put an idea in the showcase forum. It really just bloats the forum.

Yeah, a screen shot is a must have. A short description of the controls and goal of the game is also useful, especially if not showed ingame.
And honestly, if your game is not finished enough to show a screenshot, its propably not worth showing there at all…

If its just about feedback for a game idea, I would say the gossip forum is the better place.

I agree with both points.
It’s a pain nowadays to find serious projects (= complete, AAA, or above-interesting) in this forum section.

I skip every one of those. Screenies or I bail.

I agree, especially when it’s a zip dload.