Screenshots Not Working Saving

When I compile my game (on PC), it makes the Screenshot folder but it doesn’t save anything in it.
Here’s the code snippits:

var screenshotFolder = "Screenshots";
private var screenshotcount = 0;

if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.F12))
Screenshot ();

function Screenshot() {
var scrshot = String.Format("{0}/{1}screenshot.png", screenshotFolder, screenshotcount );
Application.CaptureScreenshot (scrshot);
yield WaitForSeconds(0.5);

function Start () {
    if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(screenshotFolder)) {
    } else {

When I launch it through Development Build, it says ‘Failed to Store Screenshot’.

private static string persistentDataPath = null;

public void Start()
	if (persistentDataPath == null)
			persistentDataPath = Application.persistentDataPath;		
		Debug.Log("Data Path =  " + persistentDataPath); // If you want to easily see where that is.

Try using the persistent data path.