ScreenToWorldPoint has some sort of offset

Ive been trying to get this working for a while but i just cant figure it out. I have an object in my scene that has a script attached to it that raycast from its position to the mouse position. however if i move the object from its initail position the raycast seems to have an offset of some sort. (Images Below)

Script (Attached to Cube) Here:

var AttachedCamera:Camera;
function Start () {

function Update () 
	var MousePosition = this.AttachedCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x,Input.mousePosition.y,15));
	var hit:RaycastHit;
	if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position, MousePosition,hit, 20)) 
        Debug.DrawLine(this.transform.position, hit.point,;
    	Debug.DrawLine(this.transform.position, MousePosition,;

How do i get rid of this offset?
thanks in advace

The second parameter of that overload of Raycast is a direction, not a position. If transform.position is (0,0,0), it might trick you in believing it works. Try :

if( Physics.Raycast(transform.position, MousePosition - transform.position, hit, 20) )