Script adding error

When i try to add a movement script at my character i get a error: Can’t add script, Script MoveAround has not finished compilation yet. Please wait until the script finishes compilation and try again.
Sorry for my bad english.
Thank you Blah!

"Try any of the following:

* Close and reopen Unity.
* Reimport the script file.
* Change the script file's name.
* Make sure there aren't any errors in the console (Ctrl+Shift+C).
* Try a "Reimport All".

I had resolved the problem

Just keep in mind if youre using C# scripts that the names are the same within the class of the script and the script name itself. Also, if the script is fine, just hit Ctrl R and it will update the engine if you just imported anything. That should fix the issue.

thanks i solved the problem

thanks a lot i solved the issue!