Script causing lag

I have a spawning script that spawns objects in three different locations every x seconds. The objects place themselves on the right path after they are spawned as they have a separate script , but that isn’t the problem. This script is. Any suggestions on how it could be better and not cause any lag? Thanks

var power : Rigidbody[];
var carsL : Rigidbody[];/////spawns on left side
var carsM : Rigidbody[];/////spawns in middle
var carsR : Rigidbody[];///////spawns on right side

var spawnWaitTime1 = 0.5;
var spawnWaitTime2 = 0.5;
var spawnWaitTime3 = 0.5;
var prefabs : int;
var indexL : int;
var indexM : int;
var indexR : int;
var index : int;
public var where : Transform;

function Start () 
   Invoke("Spawn1", 1);
    Invoke ("Spawn2", 1);
    Invoke ("Spawn3", 1);
 spawnWaitTime1 = Random.Range(0.3,1);
  spawnWaitTime2 = Random.Range(0.3,0.8);
  spawnWaitTime3 = Random.Range(0.3,0.8);


function Spawn1 () 
prefabs = 1;
Invoke("Spawn1", 2);
if(prefabs == 1 ){
         indexL= Random.Range (0, carsL.Length);
        var object1L : Rigidbody = carsL[indexL];
     object1L = Instantiate(object1L, where.position, where.rotation);
     if(indexL == 1){
     spawnWaitTime1 = Random.Range(0.8,0.9);
   if(prefabs == 2 && Random.value > 0.6){///// This hasn't been set yet
     index = Random.Range (0, power.Length);
     var powerup1 : Rigidbody = power[index];
 powerup1 = Instantiate(powerup1, where.position, where.rotation);
    if(prefabs == 2 && Random.value < 0.6){
    prefabs = 1;

function Spawn2 () 
Invoke("Spawn2", 2);
prefabs = 1;

if(prefabs == 1 ){

     indexM = Random.Range (0, carsM.Length);
        var object1M : Rigidbody = carsM[indexM];
     object1M = Instantiate(object1M, where.position, where.rotation);
      if(indexM == 1){
     spawnWaitTime2 = Random.Range(0.8,0.9);
   if(prefabs == 2 && Random.value > 0.6){
     index = Random.Range (0, power.Length);
     var powerup1 : Rigidbody = power[index];
 powerup1 = Instantiate(powerup1, where.position, where.rotation);////for powerups
    if(prefabs == 2 && Random.value < 0.6){
    prefabs = 1;


function Spawn3 () 
Invoke("Spawn3", 2);
prefabs = 1;

if(prefabs == 1 ){
     indexR = Random.Range (0, carsR.Length);
        var object1R : Rigidbody = carsR[indexR];
     object1R = Instantiate(object1R, where.position, where.rotation);
      if(indexR == 1){
     spawnWaitTime3 = Random.Range(0.8,0.9);

   if(prefabs == 2 && Random.value > 0.6){/////powerups
     index = Random.Range (0, power.Length);
     var powerup1 : Rigidbody = power[index];
 powerup1 = Instantiate(powerup1, where.position, where.rotation);////for powerups
    if(prefabs == 2 && Random.value < 0.6){
    prefabs = 1;



Yes. Object pooling.