Script Combine Multiple SkinnedMeshes

Hi guys, im new to Unity,

and I would like to know if is there any script to combine Multiple SkinnedMeshes in runtime ???

I am working on a MMO which I hava various possibilities on building a character so i am using various SkinnedMeshes, thus for better performance i would like to combine (after the player choose his avatar) all the SkinnedMeshes Choosed in just one single SkinnedMesh … is it possible ?

How could I achieve something like that ??

Thanks in advance
Best Wishes !!!

Yes, look at at Unity - Scripting API: Mesh

I have took a look on the MeshCombineUtility and CombineChildren Script …and i was wondering if i would just apply the CombineChildren Script to the Meshes Choosed if it would work !!!

If Not …somebody would know to answer me why ???
I got stuck on this part of my Game, so if somebody could help me …I’d really appreciate !!!

Any Model of Script that would be able to do something similar to what i want ???

Thanks in advance
Best Wishes !!!