Script Compiling Glitch is ruining all my work

So a week ago i started a school project and until today it was almost done, but scripts started taking unity restarts to be readed by unity, and now im having a thousand errors that make no sense and everything is falling apart, i don’t know what to do.
Example: i did an audiomanager script and a sound script that would play a song and play some sounds when i collided with something. i got that onto my menu scene and i did everything as the tutorial i was watching was, for the music not to overlap to the music playing on my main scene, and if i play on menu, the song USED to play, and then it would overlap with the one on the main scene, now it doesnt even play on the menu or the main scene, and it says the canvas is missing (which has nothing to see with any of the scripts or any reference) and the some canvas pieces like the title or the images would just disapear and reapear after seconds. my collision audio is not playing either and giving errors, and the loading bar i did last night (which worked perfectly and i even tested several times) it wouldnt find the (operation.progress.isDone(“this is from my async loading bar”)) and break. Please i know its a lot but can someone help :frowning: thanks by the way…

Without providing your code nobody here is going to able to help you.
I just recommend using a versoin control system for future projects - like github.
Or make copies of your “Assets” and “Projectsettings” folders. They contain everything you need for a backup.

And while we are at it: make a backup of your pc. Now.
I guess you don’t have one.