script understanding.
I want to work healthbar, I found this script. it works, the idea is to put 3 red hearts which turn white each collision with the enemy.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Health : MonoBehaviour {
public int startHealth;
public int healthPerHeart;
private int maxHealth;
private int currentHealth;
public Texture[] heartImages;
public GUITexture heartGUI;
private ArrayList hearts = new ArrayList();
// Spacing:
public float maxHeartsOnRow;
private float spacingX;
private float spacingY;
void Start () {
spacingX = heartGUI.pixelInset.width;
spacingY = -heartGUI.pixelInset.height;
public void AddHearts(int n) {
for (int i = 0; i <n; i ++) {
Transform newHeart = ((GameObject)Instantiate(heartGUI.gameObject,this.transform.position,Quaternion.identity)).transform; // Creates a new heart
newHeart.parent = transform;
int y = (int)(Mathf.FloorToInt(hearts.Count / maxHeartsOnRow));
int x = (int)(hearts.Count - y * maxHeartsOnRow);
newHeart.GetComponent<GUITexture>().pixelInset = new Rect(x * spacingX,y * spacingY,58,58);
newHeart.GetComponent<GUITexture>().texture = heartImages[0];
maxHealth += n * healthPerHeart;
currentHealth = maxHealth;
public void modifyHealth(int amount) {
currentHealth += amount;
currentHealth = Mathf.Clamp(currentHealth,0,maxHealth);
void UpdateHearts() {
bool restAreEmpty = false;
int i =0;
foreach (Transform heart in hearts) {
if (restAreEmpty) {
heart.guiTexture.texture = heartImages[0]; // heart is empty
else {
i += 1; // current iteration
if (currentHealth >= i * healthPerHeart) {
heart.guiTexture.texture = heartImages[heartImages.Length-1]; // health of current heart is full
else {
int currentHeartHealth = (int)(healthPerHeart - (healthPerHeart * i - currentHealth));
int healthPerImage = healthPerHeart / heartImages.Length; // how much health is there per image
int imageIndex = currentHeartHealth / healthPerImage;
if (imageIndex == 0 currentHeartHealth > 0) {
imageIndex = 1;
heart.guiTexture.texture = heartImages[imageIndex];
restAreEmpty = true;