Script debugging tools

I have came across a problem while making a game (a simple game at that) in which I thought to myself “I’ll just use a debug thingy” but it turns out that there isn’t one (or at least not one I’ve found) so I can’t go through the script line by line to see where the problem occurs. I was wondering if there is a way to do it as I cannot figure out the problem and I want to figure out the problem by myself so the debugger would make the job 1000x easier. Please help

Yes, there is a debugger. From Visual Studio 2015 you hit the “Attach To Unity” button, run the game from the editor and you’re good to go. I don’t know how to do the same from MonoDevelop but it’s possible in that environment as well.

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Oh right. So I just run my game with the script open in visual studio after linking them and the debugger in visual studio will work with the opened script? Nice. I had no clue that visual studio could interact with unity in that way. Thanks

Yes. With earlier version versions you had to do a little work to get it going, but the integration tools are, uh, integrated now.