Hello, hope someone can help me, i got a problem with that the script don’t update “gems” after i buying in the shop, someone that can help me with the problem? proberly easy but i don’t really see what i have forget or done wrong.
private static UIManager _instance;
public static UIManager Instance
if (_instance == null)
throw new UnityException();
return _instance;
public Text playerGemCountText;
public Image selectionImg;
public Text gemCountText;
public Image[] healthBars;
private void Awake()
_instance = this;
public void OpenShop(int gemCount)
playerGemCountText.text = "" + gemCount + "G";
public void UpdateShopSelection(int yPos)
selectionImg.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(selectionImg.rectTransform.anchoredPosition.x, yPos);
public void UpdateGemCount(int count)
gemCountText.text = "" + count;
public void UpdateLives(int livesRemaining)
//loop through lives
for (int i = 0; i <= livesRemaining; i++)
//do nothing till we hit the max
if(i == livesRemaining)
//hide this one
healthBars*.enabled = false;*