Script Editor for Unity -progress,tests,bugs...

Hi all!

AlterE is a script editor dedicated to Unity written in C#
Status: Beta
System Requirements:

  • Windows 7 or 8

I need people to help testing it.
Feel free to ask anything about AlterE; bug reports and feature requests are welcome!


  1. Download and Unzip “”

  2. Run AlterE.exe (you will be asked fo Unity.exe)

  3. close program and open Unity

  4. in Edit/Preferens/External Script Editor/Browse/ browse for AlterE.exe

  5. in “External Script Editor Args” Paste: (Line);"(File)"

  6. click on any script to open script editor


  1. in Unity/Edit/Preferens/External Script Editor/ switch back to MonoDevelop

WARNING: This is BETA software, there WILL be bugs !
This is pre-release (beta) software distributed for feedback and testing purposes.
Windows only!

1655583–103648–AlterE (190 KB)

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Please, down load and test.

Well it looks fine but its stuck on my secoundary screen no move bar

Screenshot by Lightshot got an error on boot up

Also i hope that you will implement that it sees classes from other scripts

I really like this, Great Job!, I’ll be following this Editor’s progress :).

Can anybody report if autocomplete works (unity keywords).

Is editing feel light ?
Is “Go to Unity” button works ?

I like the editor the font everything its nice to look at

and yeah go to unity works