Script enabling another script on a camera not working.

var CameraTarget : GameObject;
function Awake () {
    Invoke("activateSS", 0.1);
function activateSS () {
    CameraTarget.GetComponent(BlurEffect).enabled = false;
    Invoke("deactivateSS", 3);  
function deactivateSS () {
    CameraTarget.GetComponent(BlurEffect).enabled = false;

The preceding script is designed to activate both a sound and the blur effect script. The result is spose to be ringing ears and blurred vision which will be triggered by an explosion going off near bye. In essence Sensor Shock. The CameraTarget variable is the main camera. The audio begins playing however, the blur effect script does not work and the audio does not stop after the 3 seconds. I'm relatively inexperienced with UnityJS and any insight into the problem would be greatly appreciated.

You are setting the BlurEffect to false rather than true in the activateSS function. That is probably why it is not working.

As for the audio not stopping, is the AudioSource on the game object where the script is attached? Maybe it is playing not because the script started it but because it was set to PlayOnStart or something.