Script for soccer score - Team with more goals wins Help


In a soccer project i want to develop a code that determines the scores, for example at the end of the game the team with 1-0 wins

Maybe something like:

 If (value of team 1 > score team 2) 
Win_Menu.setactive (true); 

If (score team 1 = score team 2) 
Draw_Menu.setactive (true); 

If (score team 1 < score team 2) 
 Lose_Menu.setactive (true); 

And i will also have to create other line of the code to attach in a button that when is scored a goal, we press the button and it puts +1 the score
for example 1-0

Like for example:

Public void GoalTeam1 ()
Score Team 1 = +1;

Please i need help



You’ve got the logic pretty well down pat :slight_smile:

Just change ‘Score team 1’ and ‘score team 2’ to an integer and give it a legal variable name. For example:

public GameObject win_menu;
public GameObject lose_menu;
public GameObject draw_menu;

int team1Score;
int team2Score;

public void ChooseWinner()
      If (value of team 1 > score team 2) 
         win_Menu.setactive (true); 
     if (score team 1 == score team 2) 
     Draw_Menu.setactive (true); 
     if (score team 1 < score team 2) 
         Lose_Menu.setactive (true); 

public void ResetScores(){
    team1Score = 0;
    team2Score = 0;

public void TeamOneGoal(){

public void TeamTwoGoal(){

Something like this would be most extensible and easier to read I would think than your current implementation.

Just add them to a list and sort them highest to lowest by the score and then take the first item.
Note: that most of the code here is literally test code.

It allows for you to use it as the basis for games where there are more than 2 teams and it specifies a standard interface for the teams and the games i.e. you have a game, it has a collection of teams of those teams there will be a single winner.

It is written using Linq for clarity but the principal can be applied without incurring the additional allocations.

      public class Team 
            public int Score { get; set; }

        public class Game
            public List<Team> Teams { get; set; } = new List<Team>();
            public Team WinningTeam => Teams.OrderByDescending(t => t.Score).FirstOrDefault();

        public class TestClass
            public void Test ()
                var TeamA = new Team { Score = 12 };
                var TeamB = new Team { Score = 4 };

                var Game = new Game();

                var winningTeam = Game.WinningTeam;