Script Inspector 3 - World's Fastest IDE for Unity

Well, the idea with the ending date of this sale was to go a little beyond asset store madness which was supposed to end two days ago. As the madness happened to end just today, I guess some of you might appreciate if I do the same and extend the sale until tomorrow.

Enjoy! :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone for helping Script Inspector climb to Top Paid product number 3 within the Utilities category :slight_smile:

All the reviews and star ratings will be highly appreciated!

Congratulations to those of you who got the Script Inspector with 50% discount. The normal price of $10 has been requested now, and it will probably take some time before the Asset Store price gets updated, so if anyone is interested to take this advantage there might be still some time to do that.

Thank you so much!

OMG!!! :hushed:
Script Inspector is number 1 most popular editor extension not only under Utilities category, but also within its parent category - Editor Extensions!

I’m flattered :smile:

A new version of the Script Inspector is coming soon!

Here’s a sneak preview:


How’s that now? :smile:

Hi Everyone!

New version 1.3 has been submitted and if approved will be available soon in the Asset Store! :smile:


Script Inspector 1.3 is available now on Unity’s Asset Store!!! :smile:

You can easily see now how many unique hyperlinks were found in the script and follow any of them from the new toolbar. No need to look for them through the script anymore!

And of course, as promised, there’s search functionality.

I hope you’ll enjoy it!

Hello beautiful looking code lovers!!!

I would like to share a great news:
Just after releasing the latest update, I am busy working on the next exciting feature for the Script Inspector - Code Editing Inside Unity! This is going to be a FREE UPDATE for all of the current owners of the Script Inspector, i.e. there will be no “pro” version forked out of the existing code. This might not be the wisest thing from a financial perspective, but it will certainly be a great surprise present for all of you who decided to support this product in the early stages.


I am very anxiously waiting for the code editing feature, even if basic.

Me too - Code editing will be excellent.

Code editing will be coming some time during next month, and yeah, I guess it will be just a basic text editor in the beginning. Code completion and code navigation will probably come right after that…

So far I have working mouse and keyboard controls for cursor movement, but I think that isn’t enough for releasing a new version yet. Maybe once I get at least the selection working I may release that as version 1.4 and get one step closer to a fully functional code editor.

I enjoy every moment spent working with Unity and I wish so much I could spend even more time with this, but for now it’s only a hobby for me, and sometimes finding spare time is not that easy… Thanks for all your support and nice words, that really helps me keep my motivation high :slight_smile:

When you get the code editing in, happyly raise the price :stuck_out_tongue:

For me personally, I’m only looking for the editing feature for convenience - ie, if I see something wrong or in need of a tweak in a class, I’d just like to quickly change it without going through all the hassle of loading monodevelop or visual studio. I can’t speak for everyone, but fwiw, I’m not looking for a full editor replacement - when I’m in coding mode, I’ll defintely switch to Visual Studio and edit.

OK folks, I got the selection functionality working to some extents, with a couple of features still missing - things like full line selection with a single mouse click on line numbers, CTRL+selection or double-click to select full words, and ALT+selection to make a rectangular selection. Then I’ll only have to add a copy function so you can at least do something with the selected text (or otherwise the selection functionality would be useless) and I’ll release an update to version 1.4 before I continue with the editing feature.

Now the thing is that I’ve been also working for quite some long time on another great Editor extension (you’ll love this one ;)) and I’m very close to publishing it on Asset Store, so I may have to spend this weekend working on that to get it ready before Monday. Then next week I’ll continue working on the Script Inspector again and hopefully release 1.4 in a couple of days…

Thanks, and enjoy your weekend! :sunglasses:

I just wanted to show you a quick preview of what I’ve been working on for quite some time:


This is almost done, and will be submitted to the Asset Store soon. :sunglasses:

Script Inspector version 1.3.1 is available in the Asset Store. It fixes a bug - opening webpage hyperlinks by clicking on code view got broken with the last optimization… Sorry about that :slight_smile:

new tool looks helpfull, depending on what can you do in the favorites list.
Thanks for update.

Favorites tab closely mimics the functionality of Hierarchy and Project Tabs, but only shows bookmarked objects. Serves mainly as a helper tool to easily find those assets and scene objects you’d want to work with most frequently. The selection gets synchronized to and from other Unity tabs - Project, Hierarchy, Scene, or Inspector. It also allows dragging items out of the Favorites tab to other windows, opening assets on double-click or Enter key, filtering, etc… It’s also designed to work in a team environment where each member would have its own set of favorites, so artists can bookmark different assets and scene object than for example programmers.

However, the Favorites tab is optional and the whole thing may work even without opening it since all bookmarked objects show that start icon next to their names, so finding them in a large project is much easier.

Cool but… Unity 4 already have this.

Well, not exactly. Unity 4 Favorites are only for assets, not for scene objects. Also their Favorites are for saving “searches” only, if I understood correctly, which sounds also useful but it’s quite different. And there’s no visual indication to show whether an asset is already bookmarked or not… My tool offers single-click adding and removing of bookmarks, just single click on the star icon next to object’s name. Finally this will be available in only a couple of days while release of Unity 4 may take much longer :wink: