Waiting for the intellisense to make a purchase too! GO GO GO!
Keep up the good work, man. Unity should hire you !
Hmm, that’s a very funny coincidence - just recently I’ve sent them my CV
One killer feature I wished for a long time is that going backward in stack traces. When double clicking on an error the editor got highlighted at the last function call, It would be absolutely great if we can go back and forth between the trace point. For example
We can go from StateView.Start ↔ StateView.set_State ↔ StateView.Show ↔ … all in correct line position.
I strongly belive that it’s not too hard to add this feature, what do you think ?
Hmmm… What would you say if I tell you that feature is already available? It’s been there for the last 10 months actually, since version 2.0! and yes, it’s one of the killer features of Script Inspector 2
It makes finding the source of the issues so much easier, once you try that you’ll never want to go back! Let me know if you dare to try this, I can send you a trial version by email…
Hey, thanks for your kindness, man. I’ve checked the screenshots again, It’s wonderful. You should bloat more about it !
As the script is edited right inside the Editor, saving a script will trigger compile that can takes time. Do you have a solution to prevent unity from compiling until we actually saved all edited files ? How about adding a dummy script with invalid syntax to break the build and we can freely edit / save multiple files at the same time ?
It would be great if you send me the trial version, though, I will absolutely happy to be your beta tester
p/s : The package is really at good price, thanks for your generous man !
@thienhaflash: Yes, I have thought about that too all modified scripts are automatically saved before entering game mode in the Editor, so you don’t have to save each file one by one, you just hit Play and all changes will be saved and compiled first and if there are no compile errors the game starts. Saves you at least one step and also makes sure you run the game with your changes. I hate it when I run the game and I realize I have forgotten to save a file, and then I have to run it again, so that will never happen with Si2
Thanks for your compliments! I’ll send you a copy now…
The hit Play to save is a killer feature, man. Absolutely cool !
Some feedbacks (things I belive it’s quick to apply) :
- Automatically fix inconsistent EOL in windows / Mac project. It’s really annoying now !
- Ctrl+G : goto line
- Ctrl+D : duplicate line ( I know there is ctrl + drag)
- Selected text + F3 : find the selected text (instead of continue last find)
- Allow copy text in SI Console
- Allow bigger text (I’m on a really high resolution Laptop), maybe ctrl + mouseWheel ?
- Close other script tabs
- Open all scripts in a single tab (there only 1 script tab at all time)
Thanks man for let me be your beta tester. There should be a lot more to come !
I was struggling with a nasty bug for more than a week and finally I’ve found it deep in my parsing algorithm. It was only affecting the incremental parsing and messing up the parse tree piece by piece while typing, so I wasn’t able to show the auto complete yet. I finally fixed that so hopefully the first presentation will happen in a day or two
@thienhaflash: Thanks a lot for your feedback and suggestions! See my comments below:
Si2 automatically fixes EOL’s on save and unifies them! Only external tools can still mess that up. Once you get such warning you can double-click the warning in the SI Console to open the script up in Si2, then just save it with Ctrl+Alt+S without any modifications and that’s it!
- coming soon
That’s already there, Shift+Ctrl+Up/Down arrows finds the previous or next occurrence of the selected text or word at cursor if no selection
That should be possible, just press Ctrl+C. Same as in the original Unity Console.
That’s already there Ctrl+Wheel, or Ctrl+Equals/Minus, or zoom in and zoom out gestures on touchpad. Note that this is only possible with dynamic fonts, so make sure you first select Source Code Pro font if you are on Unity 3.5 or change the font settings in Unity 4+ as it’s explained in the readme file.
- Coming soon.
Thanks for all your suggestions! Let me know if there’s anything else
First screen capture of the automatic code completion W.I.P. feature of the Script Inspector 2
Just note that this is still kind of raw and WIP. So far this feature only counts 8,000 lines of code, and it took about 8 months (of my own free time only) to get here!
I hope you like this gif even though it shows a couple of bugs… will be fixed…
Comments, suggestions, criticism, etc. are more than welcome, as always.
This is awesome! I’m super excited!
Oh my goshhh…! Releaseeee it pleassse
And please make sure the completion tooltips work with the darker themes like oblivion and monokai.
Hehe, thanks! Same here, after so much time spent on it I can finally see it giving nice results
Hmm, I still don’t have dark skins for the popup windows. There are a couple of things I’ll have to decide about, like whether to match the background color of the code window or to make it slightly different, or is it better to show tooltips with syntax colored text or just as plain text as it is now, use monospaced font or not, scale the font to match the size of the font in the code view, etc… Does anyone want to share personal preferences or opinions?
I’d first start off by matching the Font, BG and Highlight colour from the theme… and only change it if it didn’t work.
I think it will look better and more usable to have the background color of the pop-window to be just slightly lighter in color (a shade lighter) than the background color of the code window under the Oblivion and Monokai theme. Because when the window pops up it becomes the foreground and making it more stand out, and it also gives it a better 3D effect.
How about a new colour in the theme definition? popWindowColor = new Color()? Then we just need to set that in the theme? Maybe with some sort of if (popWindowColor == null) then popWindowColor == backgroundColor?
I’m super super super excited about this, too … about
There will be a lot, here are several more (also more difficult, I think) :
- Code folding with shortcuts to fold to definition, fold all …
- Go to definition (maybe F12 ?)
- Show hint when mouse over a function or after press (
- Colum edit (normally hold Alt down ?)
- Code snippets (for loop, while loop, …)
- Code generator (create method stub, create local / member field / properties )
- Refactor : rename method, properties, fields, classname …
- Outline mode in inspector windows instead of full source code
- Autosave the script (somewhere else than the original file so Unity won’t reload scripts) when quit unity (or lose focus ? )
- Exclude a script from unity (maybe change extension ?) and Include it back (useful when we are in the middle of develop something but want to have a build or check something already work)
BTW do you have a public changelist / public bug report / roadmap so I can have a look, really need to know what is planned, what’s on the way …
thanks a lot man, you are saving the world !
The “trick” for this is to create a folder called “WebplayerTemplates” and put any code/scripts you don’t want included/compiled into it. I have written about this here.
I know this, too, and it’s official information, not a trick. But it’s not very practical, assume that you can ignore several scripts, and turn back on later quite quick, you don’t want to mess up the folder structure by moving things around. I still think rename the extension should work the best, it’s still there, we can still see and edit (with code completion ? ), just being ignore by Unity.
Thanks for the great suggestions guys! Definitely it has to be configurable from the theme, and the default to match the line highlighting color might work. A great use-case for the exotic null-coalescing operator of C#, so that would something like popWindowColor ?? currentLineColor…
Here’s what I got with the Tango Dark theme by reusing its background color and its current line highlighting color, so you can see yourself how that looks like (using the same old selection highlight in the autocomplete popup… and the same old icons which don’t work on non-white background ;)):