Script making characters fall through ground

Hello again, so recently I got some fantastic scripting help from Nequium, and he provided me with this script in which I have my player destroy when his head armature + collider collides with anything

//Drag your MAIN player object into the variable below AFTER you've attached this script to your player's head

public Transform player;

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) {

Now, this works very well, apart from the fact that when I hit player the player will fall through the world, and anything (with a collider, with a rigibody, anything). Now, the odd thing is, I have several other versions of him at the exact same height that are identical other than the fact that they dont have this script, and they work just fine.
If you guys know how to fix this it would be a fantastic help, because its stumped me.

Did you set the collider of the player to isTrigger?
If so he will go through everything.