Script making object fall, not working as expected.

Ok, so here is the thing. I’ve been working in a school project where i need to implement an AI working system. This is for an airplane chase situation. So i wrote two scripts, one has the classes i need and the other has the script for the flee behaviour. The only thing that have been frustrating me for the last 4 hours is why the hell my enemy fall in to the ground and how can i fix it, because… it is a plane you see? Is hell falling me from the ground instead of flying towards me… -.-’ Can you help me please?

#pragma strict

// Math
class AiMath {
	static function randomBinomial() {
		return Random.value - Random.value;
	static function angleBetween(v1 : Vector3, v2 : Vector3) {
		if(v1==null || v2==null)
			return 0;
		var cross : Vector3 = Vector3.Cross(v1, v2);
		var ang : float = Vector3.Angle(v1, v2);

		return cross.y < 0 ? ang * -1 : ang;


class AiDebug {

	static function selectObject(object : GameObject) {
		var sel : GameObject[] = new GameObject[1];
		sel[0] = object; 
		Selection.objects = sel;

class Kinematic {

	var velocity : Vector3 =;

	var rotation : float;


class Steering {
	//Aceleracao linear
	var linear : Vector3 =;
	//Aceleracao angular
	var angular : float;	

class Character {
	var velocity : Vector3 =;
	var rotation : float = 0;
	var drag : float = 0.4;

	function SimpleUpdate(cc : CharacterController, steering : Steering, maxSpeed : float) {
		velocity += steering.linear * Time.deltaTime;
		// rotation += steering.angular * Time.deltaTime;
		drag = 1 - drag;
		var d : float = 0;
		if(drag != 1) {
			d = Mathf.Pow(drag, Time.deltaTime);
			velocity *= d;
			// rotation *= d;
		if(velocity.magnitude>maxSpeed) {
			velocity *= maxSpeed;
		Debug.Log("Acc: " + steering.linear.magnitude + "m/s², Speed: " + velocity.magnitude + "m/s, Drag: " + d	);
		// Look at where we're going
		var at : Vector3 = cc.transform.position + velocity.normalized;
		at.y = cc.transform.position.y;
	 * Aply steering rotation
	function Update(cc : CharacterController, steering : Steering, maxSpeed : float) {
		velocity += steering.linear * Time.deltaTime;
		rotation += steering.angular * Time.deltaTime;
		drag = 1 - drag;
		var d : float = 0;
		if(drag != 1) {
			d = Mathf.Pow(drag, Time.deltaTime);
			velocity *= d;
			rotation *= d;
		if(velocity.magnitude>maxSpeed) {
			velocity *= maxSpeed;
		Debug.Log("Acc: " + steering.linear.magnitude + "m/s², Speed: " + velocity.magnitude + "m/s, Drag: " + d	);
		//Debug.Log("Rotation: " + rotation);
		var at : Vector3 = cc.transform.forward;
		var qRot : Quaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis(rotation, Vector3.up);
		at = qRot * at;
		cc.transform.LookAt(cc.transform.position + at);


And the script to make it chase:

@script RequireComponent(CharacterController)

 * As replacement for the classes that handle
 * kinematic use Unity API, in this case
 * use CharacterController
private var character : CharacterController;

var target : GameObject;

var maxSpeed : float = 4.0;

var debugging : boolean = true;

var isEnabled : boolean = false;

function Start () {
	// Fazer 'caching' do valor do CharacterController para nao estar
	// a obter frame-a-frame
	character = transform.GetComponent.<CharacterController>();

function getSteering() {
	var steering : Kinematic = new Kinematic();

	steering.velocity = transform.position - target.transform.position;
	steering.velocity *= maxSpeed;

	return steering;

function Update() {

	var steering : Kinematic = getSteering();
	if(debugging) {
		// Velocidade Atual
		Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, steering.velocity,;

	// Para ja olhamos na direcao em que estamos a andar
	var at : Vector3 = transform.position + steering.velocity;

	var proximity : Vector3 = target.transform.position - transform.position;
	if(proximity.magnitude > 0.2)

Let it be, i figured it out, the problem was that character.SimpleMove applies gravity by it self, all i had to do was to change the behaviour to character.Move