script not working :(

hi im tring to make a game but this scrpt isnt working its ment to be a gather over time recorse script so i gets ammo every 5 seconds then another piece till it gets to max but it desnt collect unless its in the update but i cant use the wait for seconds in update how can i fix

public int AmmoRec = 0;

public int MaxAmmoRec = 500;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {


// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
	Add ();

IEnumerator Add(){
	if (AmmoRec < MaxAmmoRec) {
		yield return new WaitForSeconds (5.0f);
		AmmoRec ++ ;
	} else if (AmmoRec == MaxAmmoRec) {
		AmmoRec = MaxAmmoRec;
	Debug.Log (AmmoRec);


public int AmmoRec = 0;
public int MaxAmmoRec = 500;

 void Start () {
     InvokeRepeating("Add", 0f, 5f);
 void Add(){
     if (AmmoRec < MaxAmmoRec) {
         AmmoRec ++ ;

Well, you could start by watching some tutorial videos on coding to learn a bit about how IEnumerators (coroutines) work in Unity. First, you need to call StartCoroutine(Add()) – that will run the coroutine (do this in your start method, NOT in Update()). Second, the coroutine will need a loop (such as while) to continue executing in a loop. Or you could use InvokeRepeating on any void method.