Script on Prefab seems to only be running on first instance of Prefab in the scene

I’ve created a Prefab called EquipmentSlot that has a TextMeshProUGUI and an EquipmentSlot script. The TextMeshProUGUI has no text by default. The script is:

    public class EquipmentSlot : MonoBehaviour
        TextMeshProUGUI _text;
        Image _icon;

        private void Start()
            _text = GameObject.Find("Label").GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
            _icon = GameObject.Find("Icon").GetComponent<Image>();
            _text.text = "Empty";

I put 3 of these in my scene, with no overrides, and when I run my game I expect the text in each slot to change from being blank to “Empty”. However, this only happens on the first slot, and the others remain unchanged. I put breakpoints in my code and verified that the code is hitting the _text.text = “Empty” line every time, but for some reason the text isn’t changing.

I figured it out. I was calling the static GameObject.Find which was searching for the first instance of the “Label” in the entire hierarchy. I changed to gameObject.transform.Find which now searches only the children of this EquipmentSlot, which is what I wanted. Probably obvious, but I figured I’d leave this here for anyone else who has this issue