Anytime I change a script and return to the editor, Unity hangs for a second then resumes with the updated scripts. This is how its always been and is completely understandable.
However, Unity has recently started hanging for much longer when doing a script recompile.
I have tried Visual Studio as well as the included version of Mono, they both hang.
The only other thing that’s changed is I have updated from Windows 8.1 to 10.
I have been running BitDefender for ages and have never had an issue like this with it, and disabling it does not help the compile time at all.
Here’s a dump of my editor log: Refresh: detecting if any assets need to be imported or removed ... Hashing as -
Everything seems to be pretty quick until it gets to the bit that says “Completed reload, in 6.174 seconds”.
There is nothing in the log that accounts for those 6 seconds.
I would really like to figure this out, it’s making development very slugish.