Script refering to more than one GameObject

Hello, I have a JavaScript that I use to change the text color of a 3D Text and it will be used to close the application later. Here is the code:

function OnMouseEnter()
renderer.material.color =;

function OnMouseExit()
renderer.material.color = Color.white;

function OnMouseUp()


This script is a component of a 3D text. I also have 3 .c4d files on my project. Each one contains a model (it’s a bear) and a animation (made in Cinema 4D). The 2 animations are: Idle (like breathing) and death. I used the idle .c4d file to put the bear on the scene and the animation that was on that .c4d. On the other .c4d file, there is other animation, a death animation. What I want is that when “OnMouseUp()” occurs, the animation from the second .c4d (death) starts and then the application quit.
I know I close the aplication with “Application.Quit();”, what I want to know is how to create the stuff I texted here before.

Thanks in advance.

You may want export the both animations onto the same model file.
If you know the names of the animations you can play them like so.

var bear_animation = bearGameObject.GetComponent("Animation");
//you can play animations like so:
//change it to death: