Script sound Collision with weapon

I can not find a script that “plays” a sound when an object collides with another.
For example: 1)
The player with an ax in the hand, this ax will have a tag that will differentiate the sounds to play following the weapon it is.
The player with an ax in his hand and when he is going to cut a tree, there is a sound at each impact. I can not find. I looked on the forum / youtube, Unity3D Tutorials on the official website.

I can not find. I hope that someone could help me.

Thank you !

(the game is on 3D and i use the Unity3D version 5.4.0f3

What… You mean like play a random sound of your choice when X object collides with your tree?

When the player types a tree with an axe, it must make a sound. (The axe and the tree are an example, I could also say, when a pick of the stone, its must play a certain noise) (I choose the noise, the noise is not random)