Script to scale particle system

In my project I require a water fountain with water splashing underneath. I have imported the Particles asset package and am using the water fountain and water surface splash particle systems. Unfortunately the particle systems are too large and I believe that they need to be scaled with script. Does anyone know what script is required to do this? Thank you.


You can scale the particles in the editer by either the normal scale or when you just wanna change the scale of the particles themselves then you can change it with min size max size min energy…

If you had to use it with a script you can also do it.
Just acces the particle sytem through: var exampleparticle: ParticleEmitter;
The script reference pages:

To have the exampleparticle’s particles get smaller each time step you use in the update function:

function Update(){

Hope this helps.

The best option would be to make a script that scales all variables that are influencing the scale of the particle. However, some particle system properties are not accessible by regular script. It is still possible to change these variables with an editor script by using the SerializedObject class.

If you don’t want to build this yourself, you can also get this package from the asset store.