Script to start another object

So iv been working on my main menu for obviously a game… and id like it if once you clicked on single player, it opens the game object of “New game” and “Load Game” 3d texts…
iv tried all i know and cant get it to work, Anyways here’s my script i tried>>

var NewGame = GameObject;

var LoadGame = GameObject;

function OnMouseEnter()
renderer.material.color =;

function OnMouseExit()
renderer.material.color = Color.white;

function OnMouseUp()
NewGame.Enabled = true;
LoadGame.Enabled = true;

if you didnt notice it also does a color change on enter and exit…

If your NewGame and LoadGame objects have children, you will want to use SetActiveRecursively(true) to get the desired effect.

At runtime (when you press the play button) do any gameobjects get enabled ? Or simply nothing happens ?

thanks everyone, sorry im so use to c++ in school we use (Thing).enabled = true or false